Members of Advisory Committee

Md. Ataharul Islam
Mr. Islam is the Chair of National River Conservation Commission and Former Secretary Ministry of Land and Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism, The Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He is a social activist.
Dr. MA Yousuf Khan
He started his career in Sonali Bank in the year 1977 as senior officer & served over there under different capacities. He was posted to Sonali Exchange Company, USA as Chief Executive Officer from 1998 to 2001. Then he switched over to Mercantile Bank Limited in the year 2004 as Executive Vice President. He served in Mercantile Bank Limited for 10 years and ended as Deputy Managing Director & then he joined People’s Leasing & Financial Service Limited as Managing Director and CEO in the year 2014 as appointed by Bangladesh Bank and ended his service over there in 2017. He obtains his Ph.D from USA and in personal life he is a creative writer. Alongside his professional responsibilities he was written many articles and books especially on economic affairs.
Dr. A.S.M Atikur Rahman
He is the Professor of Social Welfare & Research Institute, University of Dhaka. He is also the secretary of Aging People’s Welfare Association. He is a social activist as well as a social researcher. A vast number write up on various social issues is published on various national and international journals.
Md. Abdul Awal
Mr. Awal is the Executive Director of Credit and Development Forum (CDF). He has specialization on banking and financial sector as well as on micro finance. He worked with different national bank more than 25 years. Specially he has a great contribution in micro finance sector of Bangladesh. He also represent micro finance sector of Bangladesh and related various issues in different international forum.