We focus to the Future - today's children will become tomorrow's leader

We focus to the Future - today's children will become tomorrow's leader

How do we prepare our children for a future we can't predict and careers we can't even imagine? Here's what we do to get our kids ready for the future. Our programs are aimed to enlighten the future community leaders.

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Events and Awards

Ambala Foundation is a Award Winning Development Organization in Bangladesh. We also organize National and International Events regularly for Social and Community Development

  • Meena Media Award 2014

    Meena Media Award 2014

    Ambala Foundation received Meena Media Award 2014
  • Ambala IT Empowers

    Ambala IT Empowers

    Ambala IT Empowers the ERP of Dhaka Ahsania Mission
  • Pioneering E-Insurance

    Pioneering E-Insurance

    Ambala IT is the Pioneer for automating Insurance for the First Time
  • ICT for Development

    ICT for Development

    Ambala Foundation is lighting the path to Development through ICT
  • International Events

    International Events

    Ambala Foundation Organizes and Participates International Events
  • Social Awareness Events

    Social Awareness Events

    Ambala Foundation Sponsors and Arranges Social Awareness Events
Full List of Events

Message from the Executive Director

Ambala Foundation has already passed it’s silver jubilee in 2019. During these years of journey we have been awarded many prestigious National and International Prizes. We have been working for Facilitating Happiness Together to millions of peoples in Bangladesh. I am happy to notice that Ambala Foundation has become one of the leading Not for Profit Organization in Bangladesh and is trying to spread the activities into other countries.

Our Organization is dedicated to leading and supporting the efforts of poverty alleviation, livelihood development, environmental protection, establishment of human rights, tobacco control, improvement of public health, facilitating employment, promoting education and other social development services.

From establishment to till date Ambala Foundation has covered more than 02 Million people as the direct beneficiary under various programs. All the activities of Ambala Foundation are harmonized and aligned with the broader goal and objectives set by the government at national level in the concerned development sectors as well as relating the SDG.

Arif Sikder

Founder & Executive Director

The Foundation is implementing Shwapnojatra, a Dream Project

Shwapnojatra is a Dream Project for the Poor but Meritorious Students to continue their Education. Ambala Foundation takes all the Educational Responsibilities of Students from starting to the last of their Education !

Our Proud Partners

Ambala Foundation has been working with Various National and International Organizations since the beginning of the Initiative

Sweet Words from the Happy Faces Countrywide

  • Ambala Happy Face: 01

    I dreamed to become a service holder to make my family happy. But, my parents didn’t have any ability to pay my educational expenses. I started working as a house made from my very childhood. One fine morning Ambala Foundation and the Executive Director Mr. Arif Sikder came in my life as a light of hope. I started studying and I am sure I shall become a service holder in future. My Family will be happy
    Jostna Akter

    Jostna Akter

    Fotulla, Narayanganj
  • Ambala Happy Face: 02

    I am the only earning member of our family. My husband lost his working ability after a tragic accident. I, my husband and our 3 children started struggling to survive. There was no hope in front of us. Ambala Foundation was the first organization who inspired me to start small business locally. I started poultry raring and beef fattening taking training and microcredit from them. My 03 kids are school going now
    Parul Begum

    Parul Begum

    Gazaria, Munshiganj
  • Ambala Happy Face: 03

    My younger son was a child labor. He started work in a factory which was very dangerous. We were very scared about his safety. But, we didn’t have any way without this working. He helped me to buy foods for my 7 members’ family. Ambala Foundation rescued him from the hazarded place and helped us a lot. He is school going now and we are trying to uplift our lives
    Kohinoor Khatun

    Kohinoor Khatun

    Salna, Gazipur
  • Ambala Happy Face: 04

    The fisher folk community of Gazaria was deprived and marginalized due to the lack of their accessibility to the natural resources like open water fisheries. We were organized to claim our rights. We didn’t know the laws properly. Ambala Foundation, Mr. Arif Sikder and Mr. S M Saifur Rahman changed our lives through a Human Rights Program. We are organized and started getting our rights
    Bholanath Barman

    Bholanath Barman

    Chairman, Gazaria Fishers’ Co-Operative
  • Ambala Happy Face: 05

    Poverty was a part of our lives. We could not afford our everyday foods and cloths. Our 07 members’ family had no radio, cell phone, electricity, ceiling fan, television etc. Now, in 2019 we have all of these, radio, cell phones, electricity, television, fans and even refrigerator. All these things have been happened because of Ambala Foundation, their Microcredit and Social Business Program
    Ataur Rahman

    Ataur Rahman

    Sadar, Mnikganj
  • Ambala Happy Face: 06

    The Social Venture Ambala IT of Ambala Foundation has changed the working process of our office significantly. Our staffs are now enough encouraged and they can work more with the useful tools like Micofin 365, NABA ERP and Check Print. We do not know how to thank Ambala IT and the young team of Mr. Arif Sikder. We are really grateful to their social business programs
    Arunima Bashak

    Arunima Bashak

    ED, Probhas Society, Dhaka
  • Ambala Happy Face: 07

    Once upon a time we could not raise our voice to the leaders and government. We could not demand our needs to the authority. Vested interest groups took the entire government budget for the development of their locality. The Community Media of Ambala Foundation, Radio Birkampur 99.2 FM has changed this situation. We can raise our voice now and are also taken care of by the authority
    Abdul Ali

    Abdul Ali

    Sadar, Munshiganj
All Testimonials


Our Dynamic Team is always ready to answer your questions and queries. Please feel free to Contact Us for any types of Questions related to Ambala Foundation and our Activities. Your valuable Suggestions are also Appreciated!

    Contact Information

    You are most welcome to our Head Office in Dhaka, Bangladesh. But, we have more 120 Offices speared over the Country


    House-62, Block-KA, Piciculture Housing Society, Shyamoli, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh


    +8802 222242561, +8802 48113160

    Birth Day

    27th Birth Day of Ambala Foundation

    ২ প্রতিষ্ঠানের জন্মদিন, আম্বালা ফাউন্ডেশান ও একজন আরিফ সিকদার

    পাবলো পিকাসো মাত্র ৩০ সেকেন্ডে এক নারীর পোর্ট্রেট এঁকে তার দাম চেয়েছিলেন ১০ হাজার ডলার। নারী বিষ্মিত হলে তিনিRead More

    Minister of Education Dipu Moni visiting Ambala Foundation Stall

    Ambala Foundation Social Programs

    Honorable Minister of Education visited Ambala Foundation Stall

    বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান এর শততম জন্মবার্ষিকী উদযাপন উপলক্ষে চাঁদপুর চেম্বার অব কমার্স ও অপ্সরা ইন্টারন্যাশনাল কর্তৃক আয়োজিত “উদ্যমীRead More


    দ্বিতীয় বছরে 'স্বপ্নযাত্রা'

    একজন ‘চেঞ্জমেকার’ আরিফ সিকদার ও তার ‘স্বপ্নযাত্রা’

    ‘চেঞ্জমেকার’ শব্দটার সঙ্গে বাংলাদেশের মানুষ ততটা পরিচিত নয়। বিশ্বে এই শব্দটা প্রথম প্রচার ও জনপ্রিয় করেছিলেন সাবেক মার্কিন প্রেসিডেন্টRead More

    বাংলাদেশে এই প্রথম

    ইন্স্যুরেন্স কোম্পানির অ্যাপভিত্তিক বিমাসেবা ‘সুরক্ষা’

    দেশের স্বনামধন্য ইন্সুরেন্স কোম্পানিগুলো নিয়ে বৃহৎ অনলাইন ইন্স্যুরেন্স পোর্টাল সুরক্ষার উদ্বোধন হয়েছে। ইন্স্যুরেন্স সেবাকে আরও সহজ করতে একই প্লাটফর্মেRead More

    Automation With Ambala IT

    We are Using Modern Technology to Controlling All the Financial & Programmatic Activities 01. Ambala Foundation has been workingRead More